How to apply for a director ID in three easy steps

All company directors in Australia must have a director identification number. But what is a director ID, and how do you file a director ID application?
As of 1 November 2021, to be the director of a company in Australia you must apply for a director identification number. You can’t have someone fill in a director ID application on your behalf, so we've created a simple step-by-step guide on how to apply for a director ID to help you through the process.
How to apply for a director ID
While director ID applications aren't particularly complicated, there are a few steps you’ll need to complete before starting the process.
- Make sure you have a myGov ID
- Check your myGov account’s security level
- Fill out a director ID application on the myGov website
Step 1: Make sure you have a myGov ID
The only thing you’ll need to apply for a director ID is an active myGov ID. If you don't have a myGov ID, you can use this guide to help you set one up. If you already have a myGov ID, proceed to the next step.
Step 2: Check your account’s security level
The main requirement for your director ID application is a high level of security on your myGov account. There are different security levels depending on the documents you provided when you signed up. You can view your security level within the myGov ID app – it’s displayed at the top of the screen once you've logged in.
If your security level is “Strong” you'll just need your tax file number and address associated with the ATO to proceed. If your myGov ID security level is “Standard,” you'll need to submit at least two of the following documents with your director ID application.
- Bank account details (BSB and account number). You can use this if you've received an income tax refund or earned interest in the last two years.
- Notice of Assessment. You'll need both the date of issue and the reference number which can be found on the top right-hand corner of the document.
- Super account details. You'll need your member account number and the superfund’s ABN.
- Dividend statement showing your investment reference number.
- Centrelink payment summary issued in the last two years showing your taxable income in whole dollars.
- PAYG payment summary issued in the last two years showing your taxable income in whole dollars.
Step 3: Follow our easy guide
For detailed instructions on how to apply for a director ID, click ‘Get Started’ below to follow along with the process.
Make sure you save a copy of your director ID for future reference. You'll be able to look up your director ID number and update your personal details by going to the Australian Business Registry Services and logging in using your myGov ID.
What is a director ID?
A director ID is a 15-digit number that identifies the director of a company to the government, employees, creditors, and the general public. Director ID registration is a way of providing transparency on business dealings within Australia to reduce anti-competitive behaviour. If you apply for a director ID it’ll never change, even if you become the director of another company, change your name, or move overseas.
Who needs a director ID?
If you’re the director of a company, registered Australian body, registered foreign company, or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation, you are required to have a director identification number by the Australian government.
As of 5 April 2022, anyone taking on the role of director must apply for a director ID before their appointment – anyone appointed between 1 November 2021 and 4 April 2022 should’ve already applied for a director ID.
If you’ve been a company director since before 31 October 2021 but don’t yet have a director ID, you’ll need to apply before 30 November 2022. Without one, you will not meet your obligations as a director, which will be a criminal offence once the grace period ends later this year.
Have more questions on how to apply for a director ID? We can answer those, get in touch with us today for honest, practical advice.
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